Can we just appreciate that Boston is unique in that inflation hasn’t touched one thing?

The man, the myth, the con artist Elliot Davis has not, despite his God given right to do so, changed his request for $20 in over a decade. I was just a baby lawyer strolling down Washington Street in 2013 when I handed that man a crisp $20 bill to fix that damn flat tire of his. That rapscallion even insisted that I could, instead, accompany him to Autozone to pay directly if I preferred, or give him my address so he could repay me via mail. I declined both and in doing so, let the con play on. I get the sense he’s the type to never buy a stamp and instead just switch the To/From addresses so the USPS “returns” his letters for inadequate postage.

Honorable mention to his mythical tire for likewise refusing to inflate. God Bless the You S A!