Do People Really Think Walt Only Got Mike Because He Yelled At Him?

Do people really think Walt only killed Mike over him getting yelled at and having his ego bruised? I have seen quite a few people attribute his death to this sole reason, which I find absolutely ridiculous.

Reasons Walt Would Have To Kill Mike:
- Handcuffed him and left him in an office for hours
- Constantly argued over pay
- Were constantly at odds as to how to run the business
- Mike refused to tell Walt who they were paying in prison to keep quiet
- Mike and Jessie tried to sell the business without Walt's approval, despite all agreeing to only do things unanimously
- Constantly talked down to and belittled Walt throughout the entire season (probably in season 2 & 3 too)
- Was ready and willing to kill Walter under Gus' order in season 3
- Was on the run from the police, even though he was a lips kept shut guy, he was a loose end who was about to be untouchable to Walter permanently

Reasons To Let Mike Leave:
- He has a family (I don't even know if Walt knew this, also Walt does not care about that anymore)
- Jessie likes Mike (Walt also wants total control over Jessie)
- If Mike and Walt got into a gunfight in Mike's last scene, Mike would very much likely win (Which is probably why Walt took his gun and waited until he was distracted)

I feel as though Walt being yelled at by Mike was just the deciding factor as to how Walt went about killing Mike, popping him through a car window instead of him to hold Mike up to get the info on the guys in prison. I don't think Mike and Walt ever had a pleasant interaction, every time it was yelling, arguing, or one trying to kill the other, I don't know why people think it was because of Walt's bruised ego that he killed Mike, I think he had no intention to let Mike leave in any circumstance.