Lumpectomy was way harder than I thought it would be

I'm 3 days post-op and barely able to type this let alone lift my arm.

I read a lot of ladies' stories on here about how their procedure was practically a breeze and they were back at work/regular activities within a couple of days. I have very small breasts and as far as I know, my cancer is also small, so I thought it was going to be an easy recovery.

I'm really struggling physically as well as emotionally (one of my nodes unexpectedly had macromets). My tumor was very close to my armpit so they did the lumpectomy and SLNB (2 nodes) in a single 4 inch incision. It's on my right side and I'm right handed which makes doing anything so difficult. I can hardly raise my arm at all and my fingers are starting to look puffy, so I'm worried about lymphedema as well.

Am I alone here?