Relactation after 6 months?

Hi all, just wondering if I’m being too hopeful here, but has anyone successfully relactated after approx. 6 months?

I wish I’d been better prepared for breastfeeding when I had my son. Hes 7 months old now, I wanted to BF and I think just assumed it was something that came naturally and wasn’t going to be hard work (lol).

Was zonked out of my head for those first few weeks and didn’t do the reading I should have to ensure I kept the supply I had, I’d almost fill a haaka while baby fed on the other side and looking back I wish I had started pumping between feeds, using the haaka more, doing my research and making sure I knew what I was doing. I would find the letdowns felt like the most horrific sensory experience (the drenched clothes, urgh) but quickly when I switched to formula started to miss that, and the feeling of closeness that came with BFing, and thus the Mom Guilt kicks in. I didn’t know it regulates and the damp clothes issue calms down and it should get easier. I wish that I could go back and persevere. I had a hungry newborn baby and my body struggled to keep up. He was drinking 6oz per feed from a few weeks old!

I bought a shit pump, and used it twice because I didn’t know about pumping bras that held them in place and would be too busy as a mom to sit connected to it with no free hands.

I always hand express in the shower once a day, just drops after all this time. It helps my boy’s eczema more than any cream we have tried and I wish I could produce more to store for his skin, or baths. I don’t expect to be able to feed him myself ever again, and that’s okay. I didn’t manage long but it felt precious.

Enough waffling, sorry. I’d like to be able to relactate enough to produce milk for LO’s skin, baths if I’m feeling ambitious. Is this possible after over 6 months without breastfeeding? I’ve got a manual pump, started properly today pumping whenever I have a moment as it’s portable and easy. Is this even possible to produce after so long? I can get a drop from each side hand expressing, pretty much. I think I just need either tips, positive stories, or to be told to stop it and move on. X