I think my supply is finally increasing!
I really want to get to EBF but my supply was too low for the longest time. I'm talking, 1+1.5 oz every 3 hours at 3 weeks pp. Max was about 2oz in the morning when prolactin was high and if I missed the MOTN pump.
I've been trying my best to breastfeed whenever my LO seems hungry and also pump a few times a day. Also taking lactation cookies and a drink supplement, drinking more water, etc.
I'm so happy to say, I just pumped almost 2.5oz at midnight when the last feed/pump was only 2-ish hours ago! I know it's nowhere near an oversupply, but I'm to the point I only need to supplement one maybe two bottles a day now instead of half of them! Just a small victory I'm very grateful for! It gets better!