I don’t want to breastfeed my second baby

Any moms out there who exclusively breastfed their first decide not to with their second? I’d like to hear if you regretted it or not; how it went. Things went OK with my first, we had a lot of common issues at the beginning especially due to his reflux and my fear of using a nipple guard for too long. After a while things got “easy” and we both got much better at it. He was a comfort nurser and, given the choice, would’ve spent the first year of his life on the breast. I feel proud of nursing him for 18 months, I can recognize some special moments and a lot of conveniences that came from breastfeeding AND I’m pretty sure I want to go straight to formula with my second. Of course I’m feeling guilty about this, and I’m worried I’ll regret it. I’d like to hear about other people’s experiences.