What you wish you had known about breastfeeding as a FTM before your baby was born?
What you wish you had known about breastfeeding as a FTM before your baby was born? As a 25 week pregnant FTM I know I want to breast feed but there are so many options out there! For everything pumps, bottles, bags for storing the milk that I just can get overwhelmed by trying to look into it all. Then you add in nipple shields, nursing bras, pumping bras and other assorted items that it just seems intimidating. I know what my ideal is to breastfeed and be able to pump enough for my husband to be able to feed the baby at least 1 time during the night, Ideally 2 times. As I get closer to the third trimester I really want to have this all figured out equipment wise but is that realistic? I got a prescription for a breast pump from my dr I think I want the spectra s1 for a pump?
Any advice? Any brands you can recommend especially for nursing and pumping bras for a bustier person? Pre pregnancy I was a 36 D I have no clue what I am now 😬 kinda scared to find out 😅