Latch issues with 1 month old

Our 5 week old is EBF other than a couple bottles a few days ago. She also regularily uses a bibs pacifier. She was eating great up until about a week ago. I noticed she would latch, eat for a minute, and then pull her head back and pop off. She immediately looks for the boob again and continues this cycle until she gets fussy and starts to cry. It started where she would do this once a day, and now it has gotten much worse in the last few days. Ive tried burping her when she does this, and i dont think she is gassy. This happens sporadically throughout the day, and she usually latches better on our night time feeds in bed. Ive tried different positions, and a couple different latch techniques but she just seems to keep popping off. I cant pinpoint a certain time of day it happens. I make sure to feed her before she gets to the point where she is crying of hunger. Any advice? I think she has a good latch, as feeding her is not painful. As soon as i think she has a good latch and she is sucking well and swallowing for a couple minutes she pops off again and cries. I should mention too i have been sick the past few days with a mild cold ( i heard that can affect your supply). I dont pump much but when i do i get a good amount, and baby is gaining lots of weight. Im ready to give up and just pump and give her bottles. I noticed she doesnt open her mouth as wide to feed as she used to, i tried a deep latch technique and she cried immediately so i think there was too much boob in her mouth