What are the downsides to using formula occasionally?

Baby is 4 weeks today and so far I've been EBF. I do want to continue primarily breastfeeding, since to me this is just by far the most convenient option. I'm a SAHM so no concerns about going back to work.

Now so far my supply has been great. In fact I've had to make adaptations to manage my crazy let down as it was causing gassiness and discomfort in my LO (but we seem to have figured that out now, thankfully).

I have pumped each boob exactly once (maybe a week or 2 ago? It's all a blurry, lol) and got 3-4 oz within like 10-15 min each and within hours of doing so that boob went absolutely insane with oversupply. So to be honest I'm not sure I wanna pump much more for now. These boobs seem so damn overeager! Haha.

However as I'm recovering and nearing my 6 week follow up I'm starting to think about ways I can catch a break once in a while. I'd like to be able to go for workout classes a few times a week and maybe occasionally have hubby tag in at night so I can get a longer stretch of sleep (though you be fair LO is a pretty good sleeper - but still ...). So I'd like to have LO take a bottle for maybe 1-2 feeds a day max. At least as an option. But since pumping is causing such crazy oversupply I'm thinking of just doing formula.

So: is there any concerns or possible pitfalls that would make me regret it or that I should prepare for? I'm not too concerned about nutrition or whatever since I'll still be primarily breastfeeding.