Is my BF plan delusional?

FTM due in a week, planning to BF. I’ve read various books, talked to various friends, and the more info I get the more confused I get. Here is my plan, please rip it to shreds:

EBF the first 4 weeks. (If there are no latching / supply issues of course)

After that, have my husband give a bottle here and there using milk I collected from a Haaka. If I need him to do more feedings then hand express more.

Context: Something about electric pumping grosses me out. The sound, the mechanical-ness of what’s happening is just off-putting. It reminds me of mass milk cow harvesting. It also seems like it introduces supply issues and is like hair coloring - once you start doing it you need to keep doing it. Considering how many women do this, many out of necessity, I certainly have zero judgement and am assuming I’ll have to do it myself but I just don’t want to! I also have had friends say they could hand express no problem.

Can I reasonably BF and not electric pump and be away from my baby a night or two once a month? If not, can I just pump a few times when I need to then stop or am I chained to it once I start?

EDIT: Thank you all for your advice!! Super helpful. It seems my fear of having to pump all the time once I start is from people specifically trying to create a stash which has led them to an oversupply which has led them to have to pump to relieve engorgement which can perpetuate the issue. If I just do it to replace a feed here and there it shouldn’t be a big deal.