Need BF and baby Advice

I’m going to try and shorten this as much as possible lol My son is 4 months old. We triple fed for the first two months. Low suction and extremely sleepy baby that lost over 10% body weight. I spent a lot of time with lactation and was made to feel like my supply wasn’t enough. (I was pumping roughly 2oz every 2 hours) They said to keep triple feeding until he is satisfied at breast from most feedings. He was never satisfied at breast. (I look back now and believe he was popping off after the first letdown and still giving hunger cues so I gave him a bottle) Had his 2 month check and doctor let me know I was making enough and was confused as to why I was still triple feeding. I was confused because he never seemed satisfied and was getting breastmilk and formula for the bottle portion of the triple feeding. She was so surprised about how big he was and wasn’t expecting him to be at the weight he was until 4 months. From that appointment on I started ebf my son. I felt comfortable about his weight so I just kept working with him on latching anytime he showed hunger cues. He stays on now for a whole feed. We breastfeed now for every feed except for bedtime I give him a bottle of breastmilk/formula. He also cluster feeds from about 5pm-7pm. I only have to use 2oz of formula for his nighttime bottle and he will drink anywhere between 4-6oz for this feed. He was consistently waking up every 2 hours or more to eat at night. Giving him a bottle gave me peace of mind and he’s been sleeping from 7pm-1am with doing so 🥳 His wake windows go like this (feed one side, play, feed other side to sleep, repeat). If you have any advice/tips or comments on what I should/shouldn’t be doing please let me know. I will not be offended lol my first I wasn’t able to breastfeed and I’m a sahm now so I am able to breastfeed and want to do it for as long as possible.

So here are my questions

Should I be pumping more?

Should I pump at 7pm and at 11pm? (I’ve been pumping before I go to bed at about 10/11pm). I would like to build my supply and have some to freeze.

Should I pump the opposite side while nursing?

My baby likes to nurse to sleep and recently I feel sometimes he’s overtired/fussy during the day. I can tell he’s tired, but nursing isn’t always putting him to sleep anymore. Trying to soothe him by rocking is not working. He will eventually fall asleep between the fussiness of trying to nurse and trying to comfort to sleep. I notice that he’ll sleep for like 15 minutes during these overtired times. He will only sleep on me during the day (sleeps in bassinet next to bed at night). Sometimes I can get him to sleep for like a hour or 2 during the day, but only on me. Hates bouncers and swings. What can I do here?

He hates any and all pacifiers I’ve tried. He just spits them all out. He likes to chew his hands a lot. How do I tell the difference between hunger cues and just chewing his hands? I feel like maybe he makes a different noise when it’s a hunger cue?

I feel like I should I try putting him for naps in the bassinet during the day? If so what times? He’s up for the day between 6am-7am and goes to bed about 7pm. Our day goes eat, play, eat, sleep. I enjoy our contact naps that we get during the day, but wonder if I should be putting him down.