Give me your obscure tips to getting a EBF baby to take a bottle

We’ve tried everything. All the normal suggestions, bottles, people, positions, times of day, temperatures of milk. So give me your obscure tricks that you got your EBF baby to take a bottle.

Editing to ask: how do I stop wasting so much breastmilk trying? We will try with the same 1/2 oz a few times then ditch it.

Backstory: my 4 month old is up every 2-3 hours at night to feed. He eats every 2 hours in the day. I’m so tired. The last time I got more than 2-3 hours in a stretch was over 6 weeks ago. I need to sleep. My husband is willing and able to bottle feed at night. LO refuses.

Update (5 days later): I tried giving my baby warm milk in a syringe a few days in a row to get him to accept the milk fist. He immediately started eating from them (5mL lol). Then my husband tried a bottle again, would get my baby up from a nap, prep the bottle, go hide in the basement (somewhere I never feed him), bring our toddler with as entertainment, and try to feed him with lots of distractions. So far so good, he’s taken 1oz from a bottle a few times! Still working on it!