I could use some words of encouragment

After spending last 8 years scrapping to survive, I think I finally managed to find a way to improve my life. I got a new job and will soon be moving out of my crappy apartment to one that is much closer and much cheaper, and my family will actually support me financially.

But I am stressing over everything. I am scared of losing new job, of life screwing me over in some way, of the new apartment deal falling through, of not having enough boxes and bags to pack my things, of not having enough time to pack and clean properly, of my things being damaged in the move. I could use some encouragment, I know I'm doing important thing to get life I deserve, but I'm still scared and it feels me with shame for being scared. This sub was a source of positivity so I thought you may have some advice that will help me keep on going?

EDIT: I wanted to thank all you bros for all the kind words. I will be coming back to read them whenever I feel scared and stressed again. After the move I will update you on whenever things went right or not.