There's massive fraud in healthcare category now.

I feel frustrated as a genuine healthcare worker. My CRS will never be competitive as i am not in canada or gaining canadian experience. As a surgeon i can't increase my CRS beyond 476 and would start loosing points soon because of age. There's no way i can work in canada without recertification which requires atleats a minimun of 3 years.

On Facebook groups i am consistently seeing people who are accountants or who work in IT just doing 6 months of pharmacy assistant or nurse aide jobs while using the trained on Job to qualify for healthcare draws. How does this even make sense? This is insane. Their CRS score are around 500 and they will surely shift towars another profession once they get PR, but what about actual healthcare workers, wtf should we do?

That is why CRS score for healthcare is inflating because of people gaming the system. With this rate i don't think any genuine doctor or dentist from abroad can come to canada anymore. I am honestly just shocked at how mismanaged the system is and it's even more insane to see people from that one country exploiting it to the extreme.