Blood thin on carnivore

I've been on carnivore diet for a couple years now. Originally switched to carnviore due to gut issues. I am feeling mich better on this diet. Hardly experience any heartburn now.

I just have one question. Has anyone noticed if their blood is thinner on this diet? I have noticed that my blood seems a lot thinner now. Before carnivore, when I would get blood work done, I would notice that the blood would pour into syringe more slowly. Now it looks watery. I also notice that I bruise more easily. I can see it when I wear watches. It will leave red marks and indentation on the wrist.

I don't really add salt to my diet. And I supplement with potassium citrate almost every day. And I am lean and muscular. So I don't think I am retaining water. I also don't take any medication. I supplement with magnesium, b vitamins, and other misc supplements.

I've had blood work done a couple times a year. Doctors never notice anything wrong. My blood pressure is healthy. No signs of kidney issues. I'm 43, male. So not sure why I bruise so easily.