Help me name this orange fluffy cutie!

Reddit, we need your help. This fluffy little guy is 2 months old. He is joining a household of:

A 3 yr old female black lab named Moonu, after the Yo Gabba Gabba character. 2 other male cats, 3 yrs and 2 years, named Yoshi and Trapper.

This kitten is MY kitten, I am the 45 yr old matriarch of the family. I’ve always adopted and taken in strays and picked the most in need animals- this time, I searched out a specific look, with the only required personality trait being a good humored temperament. Orange, fluffy, nice. And he is. I appreciate puns, or other not so straightforward names. While the names Garfield and Heathcliff are nice and would suit my purpose in terms of understated aesthetic irony, it’s not enough that most people would understand. In other words, can’t be too deep or too obscure.

To give you an idea, these are names I have considered:

Macalelie (my son couldn’t pronounce macaroni)





My kids and husband like:




Bart Simpson

Reese’s Pieces


TL;DR need help naming orange cat with an off the wall name or one that is a play on words/pun/clever.

Reddit, we need your help. This fluffy little guy is 2 months old. He is joining a household of:

A 3 yr old female black lab named Moonu, after the Yo Gabba Gabba character. 2 other male cats, 3 yrs and 2 years, named Yoshi and Trapper.

This kitten is MY kitten, I am the 45 yr old matriarch of the family. I’ve always adopted and taken in strays and picked the most in need animals- this time, I searched out a specific look, with the only required personality trait being a good humored temperament. Orange, fluffy, nice. And he is. I appreciate puns, or other not so straightforward names. While the names Garfield and Heathcliff are nice and would suit my purpose in terms of understated aesthetic irony, it’s not enough that most people would understand. In other words, can’t be too deep or too obscure.

To give you an idea, these are names I have considered:

Macalelie (my son couldn’t pronounce macaroni)





My kids and husband like:




Bart Simpson

Reese’s Pieces


TL;DR need help naming orange cat with an off the wall name or one that is a play on words/pun/clever.