Fide:"Magnus wasnt willing to compromise!" What was the Compromise?

M. Carlson came to the Game without the "right" trousers.

Fide :... 200$

Magnus: O.K.

Fide: If you dont change before the next game you will be forfit!

Magnus. Ok i didnt follow the rule to a T i will where better trousers tomorrow.

Fide: No do it know ...

Magnus No . F*** You

Did i summerise wrong ??

Fide is stateing muliple Times: Carlson wasnt willing to compromise.

What was the compromise? Why is nobody asking that question?

Fide inforced the rules. If good or bad isnt my question.

But claiming they where willing to compromise without compromising anything seems disingenuise at best.

And it is quit sad that now interviewer is asking that ovbvious question.