WCM Katharina Reinecke fired for "Ding Chilling" Question
In her coverage of the german Bundesliga Katharina Reinecke revealed that she was fired for the viral Ding Chilling Question at the World Championship by the German Chess Federation. Now she is no longer interested in working in the chess field , even tho it has always been her dream. Katharina hopes to find a Job with her degree in Biochemistry in the near future.
Edit 1: The stream is still ongoing so i will add the clip later and translate it. She did say that they fired her because the question was not officialy approved off.
Edit 2: clip Translation: "Ah, btw the reason i just laughed (...) i think im allowed to say it now, is, i worked for the German Federation but they fired me, lol, because of the question I asked Ding in Singapore at the WC"
She talks more about the work enviroment and her future in chess after the clip in the VOD