Guys being Ignorant.
I (21F) been verbal about being child free since I was 17. I’ve had an ex who broke up with me bc I didn’t want to have kids and he wanted to since he wanted to be in a long term relationship with me. We got back and I ended up getting pregnant and I terminated it. He was there for the whole process but we don’t talk anymore. Now I’m talking to a guy (20M) who im going to stop talking to soon bc he’s told me he doesn’t want kids but will never get a vasectomy bc he won’t be able to ejaculate. The conversation came up bc I’m struggling to get a job that offer health insurance for me to go to a specialist that is in the doctor list that will be able to provide me getting approved for sterilization here in TX. I went off and told him how dare he makes a comment like that when guys have it easier to get sterilized . When I a woman will most likely get denied since I’m 21 with no kids and a husband. He also voted for trump and Greg Abbot. He said it’s dumb and stupid of me to stop talking to him just bc he wasn’t aware that getting a vasectomy wouldn’t take away him still being able to ejaculate and voted for them. And I told him it’s not about him not being aware. It’s about him being an ignorant and selfish. And I don’t want to be with someone who wants me to carry the responsibility of not getting pregnant.