Should I consider 4k crop factor?...
Hey friends!
I'm a mostly-beginner filmmaker. I bought a Lumix G7 a while back and have been loving it, but after a few projects I've decided it's time to upgrade to a new lens. After doing some research, I've learned about the micro 4/3, 2x crop factor, which is helpful. However, I obviously want to shoot in 4k, which I know adds a 1.22x added crop factor, totalling to 2.22x.
My question is, do I really need to factor in that extra .22x when buying a lens to get the full frame equivalent? Or is it not that big of a deal? I don't really mind the zoom, but I'm more concerned with lens compression. Also, I don't mind 1080p, but would rather shoot in 4k whenever possible. Let me know what I should do. Thanks!
- Jake