Cobra Kai despised Devon and I don’t know why.
I don't understand what Cobra Kai had against Devon. The whole plot line for her this season was that she was new to karate and that she was beneath everyone else's level. I know she's new to it, but what everyone seems to forget is that every other character started karate and got really good at it really fast. You're forgetting this is the girl who made it to the quarter-finals with six weeks of karate training. Then they had the audacity to make it seem like Anthony could make it to the Sekai Taikai before her. There are plenty of examples of this in the show. The first one is when Mike Barnes gets angry because Devon made it in the top twelve and reluctantly calls her name. But he has no problem calling Anthony, who's been training for like what, three months?Then when Daniel and Johnny are discussing who the finalists in the Sekai Taikai, Daniel says it should be he says Anthony. But when Johnny suggest Devon, Daniel has a problem with it because she's pure Eagle Fang. During the Sekai Taikai, it was clear she was struggling in the beginning because she was still feeling guilty over what she did to Kenny, and she wasn't as skilled, yet she did better than Demetri and Robby. Besides Miguel, she was the only one not to get knocked off the platform during the platform match and she eliminated two Dublin Thunder teammates. Not to mention during the brawl, she completely demolished Dublin Thunder.