Adopting two bonded cockatiels
Hi everyone!
My husband’s grandpa has two cockatiels that I will soon be taking in. Gpa is in poor health and the birds living conditions, well, as you can imagine, are not stellar. The birds themselves are both about 10 years old and are not handled at all. Grandpa has an elaborate set up (that’s dirty as all get out) that allows them to go in and out of their cage as they please. The male is Big Boy! Over the course of the last week, he seems to get excited when I get there to feed them (splays feathers and stands on one foot on his perch, will chirp at me when I speak in sweet baby talk to him)! The female’s name is Willie and she despises me. If I get too close she will fly erratically and if I keep just enough distance, she will stay calm but she will hiss at me repeatedly 😭
I need HELP. I need all the tips!
Cage recommendations Do they go to a normal vet? How often should they be out of their cage? Will I ever be able to handle them and build that trust?
I am doing my research, thoroughly! These babies have been in a cigarette smoke trailer for the past 10 years, I want to do everything I can to make sure they have the best life possible once they come with me!