Why arent many famous "smart" people sharing their High IQ score?
So I notice that nearly nobody talks or disclose their High IQ score with the public. This seems a little odd to me if 1) You live in the USA and 2) You are considered to be a famous smart/intellectual person. This might be even more weird if 3) you grew up in the USA (as a a lot of people take these test in school). However, we dont hear about famous scientist or recognized public intellectuals IQ very often. Why is this the case? It could be because 1) they dont care about it OR 2) they considere it private information OR 3) they dont have an IQ that represent what people think they are. From all those, i think number 3 explains the situation better. I mean... if they dont care about it and because of that havent take it, we would expect at least some of them doing it just for the people. These scientist and intellectuals are famous, like Neil Degrasse Tyson. Famous people often interact with audiences and consider their inquiries. I find it hard to believe that they havent come across request of their IQs, or at least invitations to take an IQ test. Even if they never interacted with an audience before, IQ is way too ralated to intelligence here in america. Is true that they DONT have to do it just because IQ is so related with intelligence in the USA, or because the audience demands it. However, you will always have people who will do it to 1) Please the audience in case they do interact with them and care about them or 2) reinforce their image as intellectuals, even if they dont believe it actually does that (as far as people or collagues think it does). Even if they dont interact with the audience or even care about what society thinks about them (which is not the norm for almost everyone in the world), is unlikely that they havent come across the IQ topic. And if they have, since IQ hasnt been disproved and there is strong evidence for it... why wouldnt you take it? Almost nobody is arguing that IQ isnt real. Even them are not atacking IQ. If thats the case, even if you dont care about the audience or your how people think of you, as a very curious and intellectual mind, is unlikely you would not take it for yourself. So if they had... is it number 2? They consider it private information? You will always have people who will make it public. Not making it public if you took it and scored higher will likely be the exception rather than the norm, specially for this guys who get asked whats their IQ a lot of times. It doesnt has to look like bragging when you have poeple asking you and when you have to write auto-bios. Instead of that, what we get is "Mmmm.... Im not a fan of IQ. I dont think IQ defines intelligence". Sound like "Yeah... I took it. Am like 120something... but i will never say it because am suppose to be 140something". This might seem like me sharing my personal view, and its kind of the case, but I also want to hear your thoughts. What do you think is going on?
Clarification: we are talking about social media or pop-culture scientist/intellectual that have build their reputation out of being smart (Tyson, Bill Nye, Jordan Peterson).
Bro! Lol i started a war! This always happens! If Reddit were to make a list of the most hated people, i will be top 3 I swear! XD. But deep inside you guys love me ;)