What is your opinion - an Uber Driver story of flirtation
I'm an Uber driver and I wouldn't say that I'm unattractive but I'm not someone that most young college people would normally find "their cup of tea". I'm an extrovert, I'm slightly awkward, and I am a bit clueless if someone is flirting or showing attention to me.
So Friday night I was taking a young college women home. She sat in the front passenger seat, which was a little unusual but I didn't think much about it. During the ride, she started to touch my hand and when we got to her place, she invited me up.
Since I am working at this point and she is a client and I am taking her home and, in my mind, she had probably been drinking, I told her that I would love to but I will have to decline. She smiled and said thank you and went on her way.
I think I did the right thing but when I told my friends about my night (as I always do), they said I was an idiot.
They asked was there any signs that she was drunk other than she had ordered and Uber and my response "she showed interest in me". This was the moment where I got smacked in the back of the head by one friend.
I think I did the right thing, especially as a guy. Maybe not the popular thing, or the cool thing, but the right thing but I want to hear your thoughts.
She was gorgeous though.