2 LORA characters in 1 image (without inpainting)
I’ve tried using inpainting to add a 2nd LORA character to an image with an existing LORA character, and almost every single time it just doesn’t look like the celebrity I’m trying to put in with the original one. When I do a single image, it looks exactly like them. When I try to add a second one with inpainting, the best I get is an ok resemblance. There are LORA loaders that allow you to grab multiple LORA’s. but I guess that’s not for characters, just different styles? Is there any way to say something like “LoraTrigger1 is swinging on a vine in the jungle holding LoraTrigger2 in his arm” Or is that just not possible? I find myself having to make two separate images that I can blend together in Photoshop using generative fill. I wish I could do it all in one step with two celebrity LORA’s when I actually create the image. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!!!