Why is every US companies Support Calls outsourced!?
Like this makes no sense, where do regular American kids work? I am under the impression many Americans simply don’t work yet at the same time many are complaining of not having a job something isn’t adding up, this sounds like an Agenda to destroy America. Also I am talking about the average person. It seems like every freaking Support Call is outsourced to Asia now. Why can’t these jobs be given to regular American youth? 🤔 Oh yeah, our toxic mainstream culture and entitleness + attitude put in our youth makes them not have any discipline or morals to work such jobs. People would rather do something illegal, be an OnlyFans model or outright homeless or take advantage of our way too lenient corrupt welfare system then to work such jobs. 🤦🏻 THEN at the same time the Americans who are willing and capable to do these jobs blatantly don’t get hired for them! Are we seeing this whole game? Then when these outsourced support calls occur Its literally a hassle to get any support because these people on the calls aren’t American or even fully versed on what they are hired to support on. They have to go through a bunch of other people to even get you an answer. Then you have these greedy companies who are doing this not wanting to pay correct wages so Americans do these jobs. The Matrix is literally attacking us from all angles, its upped its ante like Hell since 2012.