How Toxic has the American Mainstream become??

People are using freaking Christian Bale clips from American Psycho in posts and reels representative of being good and a Gentlemen. Like wtf!? Alot of us here get shocked at how the “elites” can keep pulling one over on us but just look at the citizens and what they praise, symbolize and do. People are openly praising Satan ALL the time. Women and Men think the devil horns filter is “cool” and “not a big deal” like umm, what!? How!? Also people support musicians who clearly are sell-outs and on the side of evil and Illuminati. Violence has turned into a “sport” or joke which brainwashes kids to thinking its such. The Average American has become a stupid knuckle-head who can’t even mulitply or keep attention on a task more than 5 seconds. Just an angry, violent, mouth-breathing subhuman. Anyone who hasn’t traveled doesn’t understand how uncivilized we have become. Americans think its soft to be kind.

Teens use the phrase “Demon-Time” like it’s cool nowadays. 🤦 Nothing cool about that at all, promoting ignorant low-vibrating violent belligerent behaviour smh. If they only knew Angels wash demons in battle. Its completely false to think of Angels as soft or fairy like they are more like the coolest human being u know and they arent non-violent in the face of violence. Let’s just look at our rhetoric nowadays for things related to intimacy between a Man and a Woman- “I hit that” referring to having intercourse with a woman, satanism and saturnalia promote the beating of your wife so its no accident this terminology is being used. “I have a crush on you” A what!? How does the word Crush go anywhere involving love or liking.