The population problem just got worse. Less pregnancies than ever now.
The population in America is steadily falling. This isn't news by itself unless you plan on getting old. The problem is that this decline isn't going to stop.
Higher costs of living, higher stress level, less desire for children amongst most young people and believe it or not pushing away immigrants is going to plummet the birth rate.
You will then see a bigger push towards religious extremes to try and fix the problem. This will lead to a pseudo Spanish inquisition and quite possibly a religious war as various factions strive to be the leading birth rate producer.
There will be even more monetary incentives passed out to "breeders" these people will live in relative comfort compared to the rest of us. They will be used harshly for their bodies and discarded like a sheep carcass.
They will remove education as a fundamental basis for growth. They will only let approved people educate themselves and they will remove those people willing to teach about sexual health and contraception. They will censor us more.
The population won't rebound the way they want. The subsequent fighting and loss of respect from other world powers will push even more people away as our economy falters. Slowly the country will be bled dry.
This is your children's future, what's left of it anyway.