Kiddo “diced” his first carrot
And he wanted me to tell reddit. He’s 8, and we’re just learning kitchen safety and knife skills. I’d love to be able to show him the support of reddit and some suggestions or advice for making food. Here’s a few of our main points or considerations:
Treat every knife like it’s sharp and every pan like it’s hot.
Always tell people that you’re behind them to avoid running into each other.
Peel vegetables away from the hand holding the vegetable.
As you can see, I don’t have many. What else should I be bringing up and teaching him about? He’s not actually cooking anything yet, but I do tell him as I’m doing things like how draining pasta is dangerous bc you’re carrying a hot pan full of boiling water and how seriously you could injure yourself or others, but it’s not hands on for him yet. I’m kinda confused bc I had a real baptism by fire when I was a kid and was making full on dinners at 8. I think that’s too much risk and responsibility, but I also don’t want to protect him so much that he’s not learning in a timely fashion.
Thanks for any advice!