This is your warning
Hey everyone I called the beginning of the bull market 2 years ago q3 2023. This is your warning the bear market will start middle of February. Does that mean we will shoot straight down no. But it does mean that the next pump we get, after trump is in office will be the last pump. This pump will be so huge that it will be hard to sell. My financial advice if for you to take your profits right now and let the rest rise. And sell out as the marks goes up. Trust me man I know what I’m talking about. Don’t come back to this post in 2 months crying. I have seen the signals and it is very bearish. Especially once we get the news at the end of January. It will dump the markets. This news I’m speaking of you may ask. The ports… they plan on going on strike again and the markets will bleed because this strike will be worse than the one a couple of months ago. It will last a month unless trump steps in right away. In that case I am very bullish. Take with this info what you want. This is your warning.