The community burn pool is nearing the 50m $CRO token threshold. What next?

The community burn pool is nearing the 50m CRO token threshold, allowing another burn. CROfam has so far burned 150m CRO by taxing our delegator rewards. Should contribute to this next burn by matching the pool with a 50m CRO of its own?

Alternatively, it is possible to contribute by allocating the POS validator staking commission to the pool. validators, like all community validators, earn a minimum commission of 5% (for CDC validators, this is usually set at 10%).

Considering just the top 10 delegators run by to simplify things, around 7b CRO staked with them generates more than 50m CRO commission at the current rate of APR. This could be a neat additional burn tool in our toolbox. What do you guys thing?