I hate CS Deathmatch with all my heart

I usually don't play official cs deathmatch, but I bought armory pass and want sometimes to warmup before the competitive and to get some armory pass stars progress of course.

This mode is unplayable because of:

- Votekick system is fucking shit. I don't camp, I go everywhere and just kill enemies and 10 seconds before the game end I'm getting kicked, because some jealous top2 scoreboard is starting the vote and 5-6 kids press f1.

- I fucking hate respawn immunity, half of the server abuse this shit, they don't move and just kill you when you are vulnerable.

- Player spawns are so bad, they spawn in front of you, behind you, to the left and to the right at the same time. Why can't you just copy brutalcs or whatever cs:go dm spawn logic??

UPD: People here don’t understand the first point. In 50% of DM games there is some guy who would start the vote kick, in half of those people press f1 without a reason. I don’t camp, I don’t use chat/mic, I just run the map and get kills. Most of the games I get first scoreboard place and thats the main reason I get kicked. It’s just people jealousy. The recent example of that is scoreboard number 2 guy started vote 10 secs before the end. I want to repeat, that I wouldn’t care about it at all if not armory pass progress.