Just got laid off

Probably should have seen it coming when they replaced the CEO right when I was hired, but I thought I’d be safe given I was in the core product team. But apparently they made the decision to outsource the core algorithm instead of building it in-house. To be honest I’m not that mad about my situation… I get it. I’ve only been there for like four months, so I’m the new guy and still learning the system and very expendable and not critical. But I learned they also let go a very principal engineer who has been there for years and literally built 90% of the current product and is the reason for most of the current revenue. Tough to hear, he was a great guy and also had a PhD.

That’s pretty much the post. Just needed to vent a little, I’ve also got a PhD but I guess no one is safe in this economy. I wish my fellow CSers good luck.