Technical Ability or Body?

Hi guys, I’m a bit stuck as I’ve already used my attribute reset and can’t go back, but I’m going for a combat smart weapon Netrunner build when I originally thought I was going for a stealthier approach.

I am currently level 31 and my distribution is as follows:

Body: 4 Reflexes: 9 Technical Ability: 4 Intelligence: 20 Cool: 15

I am thinking of advancing to the following:

Body: 20 Reflexes: 20 Technical Ability: 6 Intelligence: 20 Cool: 15


Body: 6 Reflexes: 20 Technical Ability: 20 Intelligence: 20 Cool: 15

I want to use Smart shotguns and improve my survivability, but I am unsure what the consequences of neglecting cyberware entirely are. The difficulty is set to Very Hard.

I’d appreciate any recommendations on how to progress from here.