Technically all of these can be pre-ordered, although the Amazon prices are about $20 over the MSRP, this is not to charge you more if you pre-order, it's just some stupid Amazon rules we have to follow.
The CAT0-G is $170, we had the option to save $20 but we used the best green emitter we had, it's pretty much the best 2-3MOA green emitter on the market. The one for the CAT G PRO which took well over a year to find, test, and develop... Super super bright, super efficient so expect 2+ years before changing battery.
(if the $20 bucks bothers you send me your pre-order info and I will give you a credit for our website)
Chameleon G-SRS8
the green was sent first so it should finish processing first...
I know some of you with astigmatism are dying to get your hands on these as soon as possible, again if the extra $20 bothers you send me your info and I will add a website credit.
It can be pre-ordered here
Chameleon SRS8
the same as above but in red....
now you guys can bully me over the Wolf EDG, if anyone is absolutely needing to get any of these ASAP.
You will notice I don't have any more news I can share despite saying we had our hands full, and that is a good thing. I know waiting sucks but as always, it will be well worth it, more news to come when the Wolf EDG lands.
Expect all these to be on the website and at normal prices in the next ~3 weeks.