Most underrated DM fights ?

I have a few so bare with me 😭😭😭 this list is in no particular order btw

  1. Season 1 - Kelly vs. Cathy

~ the fight where Cathy allowed Brooke to wear Vivi's costume for her solo , only to tell her to take it off 3 numbers beforehand . I'm sure it was the producers that wanted Brooke to take the costume off , not Cathy , but that doesn't make the fight less entertaining **😭 **Kelly usually ate in her fights , but this is one of her highlights for me because she did not stutter not ONCE . "now , my daughter is gonna dance in her leotard & tights , & I'd like to have one of your kids from your studio out there dancing against her because I can GUARANTEE you , she will beat their a$$ wearing a F*CKING leotard !!"

  1. Season 4 - Holly vs. Abby

~ this was the fight that happened after the moms made the tally chart that indicated how many times Abby talked down on each of the kids . I'm sure everyone remembers Abby saying Nia could get married and have kids at 12 years old & that pissed Holly off (rightfully so) . but my favorite part was the dialogue at the end of the episode .

Holly : walk out the door .

Abby : I am walking out the door because I'm off the clock .

Holly : goodbye , I'm bored with the conversation as it is .

Abby (whispers) : straighten your knees & point your feet .

Holly : and get some class .


  1. Season 5 - Holly vs. Abby

~ this was at the beginning of the season when Abby was dealing w/the lawsuit from Paige . everyone was in the dressing room at a competition when Abby told Kendall to practice how she would walk into an audition . Abby started screaming at Kendall because she only practiced her walk & not what she would say . that's when Holly jumped in & stood up for Kendall + Jill . at some point in the argument Holly yells, "you know what ? you've knocked everyone else off the team ! knocked everyone else off the team ! you're after me now ?? you're after me ?? who else are you gonna have on the team ?? Melissa ?!??" LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭