season 5 jojo and the girls

Okay so I was watching this tiktok of a girl rewatching dance moms and she points out that jojo was being bullied which I agree with (not necessarily on them being bullies but just the way they treated her especially in that clip of them mocking her in a fanmeet). She goes on to say it's due to the girls following the models aka their moms and abby. But honestly I feel like fans still don't want to acknowledge that because at most we will see "well kendall was/is the mean girl" and thats it when it really was not just kendall partaking in that. I remember when jojo had brought up a cast member she did not like (or something like that) and she said kenzie, people were up in arms going all like "omg kenzie has nothing to be jealous about" and glossing over what jojo said and I guess it's because jojo isnt a fan favorite right now especially after the reunion. I think its okay to admit the girls were maybe not bullies (a strong word) but were a bit mean towards jojo especially when she first joined. Maybe their personalities not meshing together at first was a reason as jojo was very bold and straightforward while the girls were more reserved idk.