How do you automate rerunning script?

We are new in data pipelines development with Python, and are currently doing POC for 5 PostgreSQL tables. These are exceptionally small tables (less than 2GB each) and I don’t see much changes in them, some have a timestamp so we could use that for incremental. In our case, we are writing a python scripts with psycopg2 connector and snowflake connector to perform “ETL”, and that seems to be too simple. What would you say is something missing in our script? I am thinking of doing a “retrying” function, like let’s say this script fails at 7am, it will be rerun at 7:05am on its own to retry the process (in case its connection issue). Is this a great idea? How do I compile everything together? I apologize if my questions sound too silly, just a beginner here lol.