Do you have the same standards/expectations for yourself as your partner?

30M in a new relationship with 25F

She doesn’t want me talking with any of my exes which I’m completely fine with, I’m not close with my exes anyway and she’s the only person I’m interested in talking to. However, she maintains it’s okay for her to talk to/hang out with her ex because they were best friends and she still considers him a very good friend and doesn’t want him out of her life.

There are a lot of things that I don’t like about this guy and the fact that she talks to and hangs out with him, all of which I have expressed very clearly to her, but I think the most glaring issue here is her having different standards for herself than she has for me. Are there any scenarios where you believe it’s okay to have unbalanced standards (whether it be about exes or anything else for that matter) in a relationship?