So I accidentally started dating a rich guy, and he wants me to meet his parents. I’m terrified and not sure if I can do this
So for context, I met him on a dating app (I’ve used them for a while but it was his first time on them) we both said that we’re looking for something serious, and we talked for a week or so before he asked me on a date. He said to meet him at a station at 8 and he’d picked a surprise restaurant for us to go. I’m glad I didn’t dress too casually as I often do for first dates, because he took me to a fancy restaurant with a skyline view and it was really pretty inside. They even took my coat when I went in, which is a first. He said to order whatever I liked. I never go too crazy as I always intend to pay for what I order, but he was insistent and wanted to be sure that I was taken care of. Conversation was lovely, we talked about our families and he said that he liked me and was looking forward to more dates. When the bill came, he didn’t want me to see it. I insisted and it was over $200. He insisted on paying, and then we went for a walk through the city. I somehow hadn’t clued on yet. Next date we went to a cinema where there were reclining seats and they serve you food during the movie, once again he asked me to tell him what I’d like, and he got it. Still hadn’t clued on yet. We’d videocall a couple nights a week, and sometimes I’d hear his parents come in and ask who he was talking to, and he said my name. Once I heard his mother asking him to invite me to lunch with them. By this point I had feelings for him and was excited to see and talk to him. Anyway cut to fourth date, I went to see him at his house, and I thought I was in the wrong neighborhood because the house I was staring at looked very expensive. He came out to meet me with a grin, and showed me around. It’s three floors, three bathrooms, large rooms, big garden with a lake and statues, expensive decor, I was blinking and looking around like :o I’m not sure how I didn’t realise, but it’s my first time dating someone like him so I’m at a loss of what to do. I really do like him, but I’m not sure if I’d fit in his life, or how. I’d thought he was an ordinary guy, and my main concern is what will his parents think of me?
Update: I wasn’t expecting all these comments, thankyou all for the advice! I was definitely overthinking, and so will try and relax and not let it affect how I see him, and let things play out naturally, as I have a really good feeling about us. Thankyou again and be blessed y’all
Update 2: Sorry y’all that may have been rooting for us, things ended. He turned out to not be a good person.