Looking to make sense of and salvage this situation
I (23M) recently was broken up with by (23F) after 1.5 month relationship It’s been over for a few weeks now. It ended very amicably, she basically said she isn’t ready for a relationship and wants to take a break from dating and I respected that and left. We’ve exchanged a few words since by me initiating, but nothing worth focusing on.
Keep in mind things were going EXCELLENT prior to her saying this, so much so I thought this was the beginning to the greatest relationship of my life. But where things went wrong is that the moment I reciprocated my affection and the intimacy increased, she got cold feet and I could physically feel the change in dynamic. She went very cold very fast… Essentially I feel like I scared her off.
The relationship ended so fast so suddenly it really left me hurt.
She was a 10/10 and a mini version of myself in terms of traits, goals, and hobbies. Really a shame it ended. What brought me here asking for assistance is that I want the best possible route to win her back.
Here’s some key facts of where we are now:
- She’s updated her hinge (we still have each other matched from when we met). This was a big blow to my self esteem but essentially after a few weeks she made a few minor tweaks to her hinge. For someone “not looking to date” that seems to be a blatant lie. This really irked me so I updated mine as well.
- We have a shared Spotify playlist (called a “Spotify blend” that combines each person’s music choice) that we made during the relationship that neither of us have deleted. It’s been over a month now that things ended but she hasn’t left/deleted it yet. Feels like I’m being breadcrumbed as a potential option. Should I leave the playlist? I want to leave but I also like having this connection and don’t want to seem butthurt.
- She still kept me around as a friend on all social media platforms, but it drives me nuts seeing her. It just reminds me of what “could’ve been.”
- She’s hot and can probably get with anyone else, though I severely doubt the emotional connection her and I made in 1.5 months could be replicated very easily. I can’t do it justice in a reddit post, but it was a very real very intimate connection. It was like we were talking to opposite gender versions of each other.
- All of her friends are single. So part of me feels like she doesn’t want to be tied down so she can live a no strings attached lifestyle with her friends.
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated. I need help making sense of the situation and what to do.