He’s ALL green flags

Okay so I met this guy about late November on FB dating. His profile was him in an ugly Xmas Sweater so I liked him back. His pic was a little meh (turns out he’s actually really attractive just sucks at taking pics 😆). He said “hey beautiful 😍 “ and usually I ignore those kind of texts because it’s not that interesting but I noticed he had an interesting name so I replied to him, “are you viet?” He was impressed that I knew that (where he’s from has a really really low Asian population). So anyway I read his bio and realize he’s getting divorced. So I thought “okay, I’ll just be his friend” (cuz honestly I just got out of a relationship with a complete a** who cheated on me with his kids mother all the time). He up front admitted that they still live together because they just decided on the divorce in September. His wife got a boyfriend right away and he suspects she was cheating on him for awhile with said guy. Anyway flash forward and now we’re saying we love each other and making plans to have kids 😅 I mean it’s mostly joking around, but I feel dumb because we’re moving too fast and that’s how I got into trouble in my last relationships. Me and him haven’t even met in person yet! 🤦🏻‍♀️ but we talk non-stop unless we’re both busy with our kids (we both have two boys each 🥰). He lives an hour away and we were going to meet up but he said he didn’t want to hurt me and make me feel like he’s using me so he wants to wait until his divorce is finalized. I respect that. But on the other hand since it’s been getting more intense with us and we’re saying I love you more now he’s saying he wants to plan a day in a couple weeks where he’ll take a vacation day off work and we can spend the day together. I’m scared, like what if we don’t like each other!??! 😱 what if he’s completely different in person than over text. I feel like it’s such a green flag that he’s had the same job for 8 years, he’s been married for 12 years, he seems like a great dad. He owns his own home. Another green flag for me tho is that he won’t talk badly about his wife even though she has a whole other bf and cheated on him probably for years. Everything is such a green flag. Are we moving too fast?? Is that a red flag?? I mean he said the other day… “is it weird that I imagine a life with you being a stay-at-home mom and taking care of our kids while I work?” And I was just like 😍😍😍😍 no not at all because honestly I’ve been picturing the same thing. HELP I feel like this is too good to be true. Someone give me advice. Anything.