Will performance ever be improved ?

Howdy ! I bought DayZ standalone when it came out 10+ years ago and have played it on and off throughout the years. Love this game with a passion.

I currently rock a gtx1080 gpu, an intel 8700k cpu and 32gigs of ram. Game is installed on an NVME SSD. I’m a poor adult student who shouldn’t add more student loan debt for a better pc (although tempting).

I’ve had the best performance in a very long time since I added ram & bought that nvme ssd, but the game never runs smoothly 100% of the time. On Sakhal, the big city to the west and the military port on the southern island cause my fps to drop to 45 or so. Played Hashima recently (great map) but damn same thing happens. Heck, I’d be happy with a stable 60fps during gun fights, whereever on maps.

So I ask, when will the engine or whatever is the cause on the game’s end made better ? Game’s 10+ years old damnit ! Isn’t it crazy that we get monthly updates but never anything that addresses performance ?

Whyyyyy Bohemia whyyyyyyy your game is greaaaaat and it deserves better !

Thoughts ? 😊