Feeling appalled right now...

I just learned from someone in this sub that caffeine goes into breast milk. When I looked it up to learn more, I found out that it also crosses the placenta and goes into the brain of the fetus. 90% of Americans use caffeine daily (and there are fairly similar statistics in other countries), so very few of us have been born without some exposure to it.

And of course medical providers are saying this is totally fine. Here's one brief quote: 'Good news for pregnant coffee lovers: Consuming a low amount of caffeine during pregnancy could help to reduce gestational diabetes risk...'

Never mind that the fetus is being exposed to a PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG, and their developing brain is becoming habituated to it, which may set them up for a future addiction once they start consuming it after birth. (Likely very young, in the form of soda and chocolate.)

The further away I get from consuming caffeine, the more appalled I become at how it's possible for a drug to be so socially accepted and unquestioned. Especially one that actually impacts people's health. I had such severe anxiety before quitting that I tried one anti-anxiety med (with bad side effects), and was considering a second one. Now, at two months caffeine free, my anxiety has decreased enough that taking a med for it wouldn't even cross my mind. But not a single health care provider I saw suggested quitting, probably because they're also addicted.

Anyway, rant over (for now).