How can I fight the drowsiness in the withdrawal period? To avoid falling asleep while driving...
I've been trying for years to quit caffeine, last year I managed for a week then I realised I was falling asleep at the workplace.
Some years earlier I also had migraine but this time not. I felt great physically and mentally, but also less resistance to sleep.
It's not just about looking alert, but also about not finding myself suddenly in front of a tree.
Obviously I cannot avoid having to drive, and I can't even have a post-lunch nap.
Cutting down for me it's not an option. I have the same issue with snacks at the vending machine. I drink coffee and eat mostly out of boredom.
It's my first time in this subreddit that I just realized existed, so I thank you firstly for your patience.
Last coffee at the vending machine was disgusting and I really would like to quit.
I stopped smoking years ago thanks to the Allen Carr Only way book (not the easy way, the other one that delved deeper) and I also read "how to quit caffeine" of the same book collection, written by a doctor of Carr's clinic.
I understand how it's not good for me, how I don't need it, that I can drink caffieine-free red tea, but there is still the problem that I have to go to work by car.
Last summer I wanted to take advantage of the vacation period, but I had my SO constantly telling me that I looked asleep all the time and that one cup wouldn't hurt. Of course I couldn't manage having one and only one.
Sorry for the rant but it's that I really want to quit.