Why do gate agents let people get away with gate checking oversized luggage
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That way if they don\u2019t get on the flight they have their bag.", "body": "
Stand by passenger. That way if they don\u2019t get on the flight they have their bag.
\nDammit, now what am I going to do with all these feathers when my wife gets here with the tar?
\nLook, we're going to judge you but only like a little bit and also maybe take some notes. Let us know what you guys end up doing.
\nI also have a ton of feathers and am waiting for this guys wife
\nI also have a ton of guys and am waiting for this wife\u2019s feather
\nIm just waiting on this guys wife.
\nOh, you\u2019re the waiter?
\nOr maybe they were running late and missed the bag check cut off time. I have had this happen to me before if there was unexpected traffic/wreck on the way to the airport.
\nHad this on an international flight that was delayed. After clearing customs we had missed the cut-off to re-check, but was allowed to take it to the gate for gate check.
\nwow so the delta agent that didnt let me check a bag cuz it was only 43 minutes before take off was just being an asshole?
\nNo, you have the option to bring it to the gate and check it there as well
\nRamper here ( wkg for DELTA= Dont Expect Luggage to Arrive ) and the carousel at airports that transports luggage is Nortorious for sending bags to wrong airline stations ...we often have to go looking for bags right b4 takeoff.
\nDepends, were you at ATL?
\nAlso, on certain international flights and certain airports, you can\u2019t check your baggage all the way to your final destination. You have to collect your bag and go through passport control etc at your first domestic destination, then re-clear security to get into the domestic terminal.
\n\nI was explicitly told to do this (iirc, by Delta?) when transiting, about 10 years ago. My arriving flight was late and I had a short window to transfer. While we were taxiing to the gate, they specifically told me not to slow down to recheck my bag, that they\u2019d gate check it for me. I think it was in Vegas?
\nBut what if you had had items that aren't allowed through TSA?
\nIt was 10 years ago so I don\u2019t remember the whole conversation. They probably told me something like \u201cif you don\u2019t have anything that must be in checked luggage, do this.\u201d
\nI had this happen on a flight when they moved the time up and didn't call me. This was in the days before everything was done electronically.
\n\nIt was the only time my husband convinced me that I didn't have to get to the airport "so early."
\n\nThe flight to my sister's wedding and they almost didn't let me on. "The next available flight is in two weeks."
\nThis has happened to me and it suuuucks.
\nHow is this getting through X-ray?
\nTSA will let such big bags through? Any size limits at TSA?
\nCorrect. I fly standby all the time since I get to pocket the difference for my travel allowance. Plus, if you\u2019re connecting via standby you have to go and collect your bags and re-enter security in order to ensure your bag gets where you\u2019re going.
\nGranted, I worked for an enormous company that had an entire building dedicated to travel arrangements but I learned a trick from the travel nerds: Shipping luggage ahead.
\n\nOnce the fees got ridiculous and I was showing up for formal conferences in a hoodie, jeans and cowboy boots due to lost luggage and invasive searches by certain authoritarian governments (I highly recommend the experience of retrieving your empty bag and picking up your loose underwear off the luggage conveyor), they arranged to ship my stuff ahead to my hotel destination.
\n\nAccording to them, since they had access to mega-logistics, it was actually cheaper, more secure and more trackable than my lugging stuff all over creation.
\nFor most people in the US, shipping luggage is prohibitively expensive. There may also be logistical challenges- you need to be traveling some place where your bag can arrive early and be safely & cheaply held until your arrival. But if you\u2019ve got the dough, the right circumstances & are the type to plan ahead, it can work! I am tiny & endanger people by trying to bring it on the plane, hence I ship mine, cost be damned lol
\nI also had a situation where I missed the checked baggage cut off and the ticket desk encouraged me to just remove all the liquids and TSA doesn\u2019t care about size. I made the flight and the gates agents kindly gate checked bags
\nProbably checked bag at the gate.
\nIt\u2019s likely he\u2019s flying standby and is required to keep his luggage with him since he won\u2019t know if he\u2019s getting onboard until the last minute. At that point, they gate check the bag. My MIL worked for American and this is what they did when the family used employee discounted tickets on standby flights.
\nI fly standby all the time and always check bags at the counter, never had an issue with Delta leaving them behind.\u00a0 They have a green tag on them to let the baggage loaders know to set it aside next to the belt loader. When we are cleared and get a seat, they see on their scanner to load the bag.\u00a0
\n\nRegardless,\u00a0 that bag is way too big for carry on sizes and shouldn't have even been allowed through the xray machine at TSA.\u00a0
\nI believe TSA will manually search these. There are a handful of legitimate reasons to carry on items that don\u2019t fit through the Xray onto a plane, eg. wheelchairs, strollers, medical equipment, certain items permitted by airline policies like musical instruments and sports equipment (usually in an extra seat). Never had to test it out, but that seems like the logical assumption.
\nExactly. In addition, we (the TSA) are not here to enforce airline policy, nor can we randomly deny entry of an item that is not considered a threat/potential threat, or an item that is evidence of criminal activity.
\n\nWhile we advise passengers about checked bag policy as a courtesy (unless the officer is an asshole), if they want to bring it through security they\u2019re allowed to, as long as we can screen it.
\nYea I\u2019ve gate checked music gear many times that\u2019s too big for carry on. theres a specific law in the US allowing for it when its music gear but that law doesn\u2019t exist elsewhere.
\nI've never heard of this. I always just get a special colored tag in the sticker tag when I (rarely) check a bag so my bag goes on last and theoretically only if I get a seat. Realistically if I don't make the flight it still goes about half the time. That's why I never check a bag.
\nMaybe it\u2019s just his standard way of getting a free checked bag.
\nMaybe they\u2019re a standby and they need to have their bag in case they don\u2019t get a spot on the flight.
\nHow dare you be reasonable and not immediately assume the worst!
\nI\u2019m just a fucked up person like that, I should really see someone about it methinks
\nIt is very off-putting, I hope you get the help you need!
I agree because this word should be a crime
\n\ud83d\udcaf This would never occurred to me until my daughter started working for an airline. Fantastic standby flight benefits but they really can\u2019t check bags except at the gate.
\nDepends on the airline/airport. I always check mine, they know it is a standby by the tag. So normally they hold it, and load it last, just in case I don't make the flight.
\nTrue except if you\u2019re going to switch to a different flight once behind security, it\u2019s hard to do if the bag is checked already
\nwow, that is putting a lot of trust in the baggage handlers but it sounds like it works for you
\nThat\u2019s leaving a lot up to chance. I\u2019ve always heard they\u2019ll send bags whether you\u2019re on the flight or not. Only exception if it\u2019s is international. I won\u2019t even chance it, carry on only
\nNot necessarily, if there are enough open seats and they have a higher prio standby pass they could have a confirmed ticket with not-last-place boarding prio
\nFlight attendants hate this one simple trick\u00a0
\nFlight attendants don\u2019t give a shit. I don\u2019t care as long as it doesn\u2019t come on my plane in the cabin.
\nHe does not care because he does not have to pay for fee?
\nI watched a united agent tell a passenger at check in to do this. It was going to be 300 to check it and she was looking out for him because he was young and clueless.
\nIt is probably all medical equipment. He has to have.
\nDiesel powered CPAP
\nIt\u2019s his service hemi engine
\nEmotional support hemi.
\nV8 powered
\nOkay, Jeremy Clarkson
\nAka - CAT 3208
\nHow does this get past security check though?
\nI don\u2019t think it\u2019s the TSA\u2019s job to police item size, just that the contents aren\u2019t prohibited. Plus, every airline/fare class could have a different item size restriction. No way TSA could be responsible for that.
\nBut that aside, no way that size would even suitcase fits on the security belt, right?
\nNah, it would fit. But there are like 5 major x-ray systems used depending on the airport, so I guess it could be too large for a smaller system. Most major airport systems shouldn't have issues with that size.
\nTSA is in charge of security not carry on bag requirements of airlines.
\nTSA will screen anything, as long as there's no contraband it's fine by them.
\nFree? Last two flights I was on said it would be checked at cost+service fee.
\nThat\u2019s because you fly spirit
\nSpirit and frontier GA would be fighting over this.
\nWhen I was a broke college student I would ALWAYS just gate check my giant bag, yes I got funny looks
\nThis is 200% the play here, and it works, every time.
\n\nIt works even better if you\u2019re on a morning mid-week flight and a later group. Get that shit checked for free.
\nThis is actually what I do not to pay for two checked bags exactly. They almost ask volunteers to check their carry-on and even when they don\u2019t, I just go up and ask ifthey\u2019re checking at the gate and they always do.
\nI\u2019ve had to do this because a genuine emergency meant I needed to get to the airport last minute (after check in closes) and I needed a checked in badge, and the gate agent was a huge life saver by letting me gate check the bag when otherwise I would have missed the flight (and all three of those times I was genuinely apologetic and they were genuinely understanding). I have bags because of status, so it isn\u2019t a fee thing
\n\nNot saying that\u2019s what\u2019s happening here, but I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt / have some faith in humanity!
\nYep, I try my best to make it to the airport on time, but sometimes shit happens. It's nice to know I can just throw out my liquids, go through TSA, and then gate check the bag if I miss the cut off to check my bag by 3 minutes at the counter.
\nIs this actually a thing? Did security not care about the size of the bag?
\nTSA doesn't care about sizing. They don't work for the airline. And if you're flying standby you basically have to gate check your bags.
\nTSA don\u2019t care if it fits within the machine, but all liquids/etc are gone ofc
\nEven if it is someone trying to get a free checked bag\u2026 I do kinda shake my head at these people but bag check fees are insane and it\u2019s not really ruining my day either way\u00a0
\nSometimes if you are very late the check in counter will have closed in which case you are allowed to check your bag at the gate. They take it off you before you board the plane and give it to the baggage handlers to stow in the hold before they close up the doors. \nThis has happened to me when flying into the states, I had to claim my luggage before my next flight, it wasn\u2019t booked through. The flight was late so had to claim my luggage and then take it all the way to the gate.
\nThey don\u2019t have any incentive to care. Their goal is to board the flight and close the doors as quickly as possible. Charging for oversized bags slows that process and exposes the gate agent to more abuse from entitled passengers.
\nThey are actually measured against the plane departing on time. Anything they can do to speed things up - including gate checking but not charging for bags - is acceptable. That on-time measure is their top metric.
\nI flew Jetstar in Melbourne. They had a scale on a cart and a credit card terminal at the gate. You do not want that experience.
\nThat\u2019s because gate agents were given a bonus for each carryon they were able to reject. Not all airlines do that.
\nFrontier is the only airline I've ever flown that checked. Even spirit doesn't seem to really care
\nI think I do want this experience actually...
\nAs someone who usually flies with a backpack and a small duffel, this is exactly the experience I want
\nAs a former gate agent for a different airline, you\u2019re correct. On time performance was literally one of the only things they cared about.
\nDoesn't it slow the process more to have this asshole board, be unable to fit his bag anywhere, and then ultimately have it checked anyway all while people are trying to board?
\nThey\u2019ll make him gate check - he will probably even volunteer for it because he knows it\u2019s too big. Charging for that gate check adds time.
\nIt honestly surprises me that his bag made it thru security. Looks way too big for the X-ray machine
\nBig luggage definitely fits on the standard belts. I\u00a0 am a cabin attendant and when we fly through London Heathrow, we take our big suitcases with us to the plane, so they also have to go through the scanner as well.
\nHe checked in online and went straight to the gate. The bag will be gate checked because it doesn't look like it would fit in the overhead bin.
\nNo, they will gate check for free. They don't really know if you've already paid or what. It's not their job to argue, just get people boarded so the flight departs on time.
\n\nI accidentally did this on our last flight. We were super late because of traffic and we didn't stop at the gate; just ran right to the security checkpoint line (boarding passes were already on my phone). I realized while we were waiting that one bag was too large to carry-on. TSA didn't care. They screened it manually and they let us bring it to the gate to check it.
\n\nI had already paid for the checked bag when I booked the flight, so it wasn't "free," but I did circumvent the gate quite easily.
\nNo, because it would be gate checked right away.
\nClearly a standby passenger.
\n\nSome of you guys are really fucking weird man. Just mind your own business damn.
\nIf you get to the airport late, it\u2019s best to gate check. They won\u2019t let you check a bag 1hr or less before take off time and if they do let you, there\u2019s a good chance your bag won\u2019t make the plane depending on the airport. Happened to me; checked it 58 minutes before take off to Italy and my bag was left in ATL. Best to carry it through and gate check
\nWhatever do you mean? That there clearly is a carry on \ud83d\ude02
\nJust because it will take 3 people to bench press it into the overhead rack doesn't constitute a problem...
\nThat's an overhead press not a bench press...
\nLegally\u2019s got jokes\u2026actually DID lol. Thank you!
\nThis is exactly how stand by works! It\u2019s well documented in the written procedures for gate agents. TSA rules say that if you are not on the plane, neither is your luggage. Calm down folks\u2026 all is well here and stop stalking strangers!
\nHave we considered that the bag is normal size and the man is just very small?
\nI prefer they encourage anyone to gate check anything. I hate getting bumped by luggage as they are walking down the aisle
\nWho cares?
\nI don\u2019t mind if he gate checks it, hopefully they\u2019re not letting it into the overhead
\nProbably because 1) it's not worth the fight, 2) its a Stupid rule, 3) it's a direct result of the airlines bull shit policy for charging for bags in the first place
\nI don't know. I let the gate agents do their job. I figure it's a hard job. I just worry about my stuff.
\nlol when I\u2019m at the airport I am moisturized, in my lane, minding my own. Boo-boo with the big bag can do whatever he pleases cuz it don\u2019t effect me one bit \ud83e\udd23
\nCan you mind your own business somewhere else. We are trying to rage sit over here, thanks.
\nI once got to the airport super late, missed the 45 min cut off to check your bag. They made me take my checked luggage through security and told me I had to gate check it. Could be the scenario here.
\nMost likely a stand by passenger.
\n\nAlso I notice airport shops sell check in size luggage bags after the TSA check, I often wondered who would buy those, but if one does would probably have to check it at the gate as well.
\nPeople whose luggage fell apart. One time my backpack fell apart, so my mom ran and got me a new one. \nActually I think she found it at a lost and found. I don't remember actually.
\nThis happened to me! I was panicking about how to get my luggage home. Thankfully figured it out.
\nI would not fly with them, but that sh*t wouldn't fly with Frontier.
\nPerhaps his wife is in there as the airfare was too high!
\nHis service animal is in there.
\nWe were flying tonEurope from LAS and somehow, we managed to forget my son\u2018s bag at the house. It had all his ski clothes and winter clothes, etc. The gate agent told me to bring the bag through TSA and gate. Check it as long as it didn\u2019t have any liquids. I jumped in an Uber and raced back home, grabbed his bag and made it back just in time. The gate agent had a bag tag printed and waiting for me and the bag was checked all the way through to Vienna.
\n\nSometimes it happens\u2026
\nI know SJC when I see it
\nbruh, maybe the guy missed a connecting international flight, etc and had to get his luggage and reboard. who the hell knows.
\n\nat least he didn't try to stuff that in the overhead bin \ud83d\ude43
\nThey always need to save space in the overhead so it\u2019s not a bad way to get a free checked bag. Bag fees are mostly ridiculous imo
\nMaybe that guy is really, really small and that IS a carry on?
\nHow does this get through security
\nI was too late to check my bag ahead of time once and the desk agent said just roll up to the gate and ask nicely they\u2019ll sort you out
\nNothing like getting to your seat and all the overheads are full, my last flight we had to put our bags five rows away so that meant we were the last people off the plane
\n"But it fit on my last flight!"
\nDid they? Right now I just see a picture of a guy in line with a too big bag. Need to see the bag in the jetway. Or on the plane.
\nHere we go again! Certain people are never told \u201cno\u201d.
\nIt\u2019s actually a tsa violation for Delta to check that bag at the gate. Larger bags are required to go thru the more extensive screening that occurs at the ticket counter. If this were at a smaller\nRegional airport where tsa can see what happens at the gates the pax would be told they either leave their bag or fly on another flight. Happens all the time at my tiny home airport.
\nNot my wife. She's an agent at American and she laughs when people attempt it. Or having extra bags. She'll say you must not have watch the Count on Sesame St.
\nWhy do customers bring bags they know don\u2019t fit with them?
\n\ud83d\ude2d how tf did he get that past TSA ???
\nIt isn't TSA job to enforce baggage size limits (which vary by airline). If it fits the machine you can bring it. There is also no number of bag limit either.
\nIt needs to fit through the scanner surely?
\nOf you\u2019re on standby, I\u2019ve noticed that is how Alaska at SEA wants you to do it. They wouldn\u2019t take my bag because I was far down the list and probably wouldn\u2019t make the flight. I didn\u2019t. Keeping my bag with me was much easier for everyone. I would have had to wait for maybe hours to get my bag back if the counter hadn\u2019t refused checking it.\u00a0
\nMaybe he bought it at the airport?
\nTSA is for security, they do not care about bag size or airline policy
\nlol whatever your opinion of TSA might be, the point is that they\u2019re the transportation security administration, so they don\u2019t care in the slightest about your bag size complying with the airliners\u2019 rules
\nWe need to get back to minding our own business. I used to work for a regional that has a "no roller board" policy. Not because they couldn't fit but because they didn't have a FAA license for roller boards. Everyone isn't traveling for a vacation to an exotic place. I had a passenger that had a meltdown because her bag had to be valet tagged. As I was assuring her that her bag would be ok she shared that her mother just died, she was coming back from the funeral and that the roller board had heirlooms, things that were not replaceable. I broke the rules that day and had the ramp agents bring the bag back up to me and stowed it in the FA closet. I would have taken that write up! \nI'm not saying that this guy has family heirlooms in his bag but you never know what the next person is going through or the reason for their travels. Be Kind!
\nWhen we were going to bury my Mom, we were in FC and I carried her American flag with me in a bag for her service as a Navel officer in WW2. A woman in the bulkhead seat started to hassle me about the overhead space although I was 100% in compliance with policy and not using the space for the bulkhead passengers. When I took out the flag for safety, the cabin got very quiet. The captain came out and told me he\u2019d be honored to fly her flag home with him in the cockpit. It was a very meaningful experience, except for the woman in the bulkhead.
\nDang, now you got me cutting onions at my desk. I'm sorry for your loss. People have lost their humanity and compassion. \nMy passenger lost her dad during COVID and then her mother in 2022, I just kept thinking how during the pandemic I was relieved that I had no parents or grandparents to worry about. That day taught me to look at people and know that sometimes the rules need to be bent a little.
\nThanks. It was a surreal experience and the pilot was amazing. My Mom was wonderful. I miss her every day and her memory makes me smile. That day was something else. Thanks again. Hugs.
\nIt\u2019s either gate check or don\u2019t fly. They need to find a way to charge the baggage fee at the gate for people like him who abuse the system.
\nUnited does this perfectly. When the basic economy group is called if you have a bag they can just charge you for it or you give a new payment method.
\nNo one follows rules anymore. This is the world we live in. Rules for thee, not for me. Zero self awareness.
\nYou embarrassed youself with this post. Take it down.
\nSome people just do not know. For real. Some people DO and those people are jerks.
\n\nFirst time traveling with our friend a few years ago we picked him up from his house. He popped out with a mid size suitcase and he said, \u201cno charge for carry on right?\u201d I looked at him and was like, \u201cdude\u2026that is NOT a carry on\u201d. He got it at Walmart the night before.
\n\nWe all agreed to have a carry on because did not want to wait for luggage (post pandemic slow downs due to staffing issues had caused so many public transit messes for us at our destinations). He ended up having to throw away his edibles that he packed because I checked it for him with my piddly status. He paid for the taxi when we arrived at our destination.
\n\n::sigh:: he knows now.
\nWhen I travelled with my dialysis machine, it was in a big suitcase like this and I gate checked it because it usually didn\u2019t fit in the cabin on the plane, but I sure as hell wasn\u2019t going to check it normally and take any chances. Now I\u2019m wondering if I ever ended up having my picture taken and posted online with my giant suitcase (plus two usual carryons)
\nMaybe it\u2019s a normal sized bag and he\u2019s just a very small man.
\nMy daughter had to do this in order to make a connection after flying in on an overseas flight. She didn\u2019t have time to recheck the bag (PHL sucks) and just went through TSA (had to be rescreened) with her bag to the gate.
\nThe flights I have been on have cracked down and stopped them
\nTurned up at the airport too late to check the bag?
\nEmotional Support Suitcase.
\nThe question should be how did TSA let that monstrosity through? I have a 24 inch bag that I had contemplated trying to sneak through as cabin luggage on some less-than-full flights and I still decided not to do it in the end for fear of it not fitting through the scanners (googled and 24 is basically on the edge). This has got to be at least 28 inches.
\nATL has an oversized lane, at least for TSA pre-check
\nEither stand-by or last minute so he couldn't check it anymore.
\nHow did he even get past check in with that?
\nHe wouldnt be standby he'd check his bag like a usual passenger at the counter as standbys should. This guy most likely missed bag cutoff and got his bag through TSA to make the flight.
\nHow\u2019d they make it past TSA?
\nThe better question is how the f**k did that bag ever get through the security X-ray?
\nTry that with WizzAir (\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7) \ud83e\udd23 you\u2019ll need a bank loan \u2026
\nI would and have charged a passenger the full price to check their luggage when this happened.
\nOr they know it\u2019ll have to be checked and it\u2019ll be one of the first bags out at the other end?
\nShould just throw it in the trash compactor
\nIn Europe you can not access boarding are with large bags.
\nHow did they get that bag through TSA? It fit through the x-ray ???
\nOne time, about 20 years ago, we had a 6am flight. Meant leaving our house around 2:30 AM. Went through TSA, no issues - then about 10 hour before our flight, while sitting at the gate - we realized that we got through TSA with our checked luggage and had to go check it in. It fit through the scanner so they never said a word \u2026.. i think the new X-ray bins would have instantly alerted us to our mistake.
\nI swear I saw that same suitcase in Dallas last week and I was wondering the same thing.
\nNot gonna fly with budget airlines or in Asia. You will have to gate-check AND pay
\nI charge at the gate.
\nWhy do TSA let this bag go through the machine tho \ud83d\ude34
\nStupid people
\nNot much different than early boarders stowing 2 carry-ons in overhead. Usually two that are half the size of shown suitcase. Do better, flight crew.
\nDon't check a bag if you are flying standby. That's probably what he was doing morr that likely.
\nI'd just be thankful that he's aware enough to gate check it, rather than bring it all the way on the plane and act surprised it doesn't fit. Not my problem Delta isn't getting their fee.
\nI usually fly American. They\u2019d have let him on the plane with that.
\nThey should special tag it so that it is the last bag on the belt in baggage claim
\nLost their ID. My license went missing, and I had to use a paper copy of my passport. They had me wheel my suitcase through TSA and everything.
\nThey're probably going to tag it and check it before he gets on the plane.
\nTSA doesn\u2019t always let the large luggage \n through
\nThat\u2019s SJC! And if I\u2019m not mistaken, this photo doesn\u2019t show that the customer got on just yet with the bag.
\nShould have never made it through security
\nDelta doesn\u2019t do a good job with this. The people who pay the most money for their tickets frequently are the ones who bring in the proper size carry-on luggage. Then there are those who pay the lowest possible price for the ticket and bring in oversized carry-on luggage to avoid paying fees. This results in the rule, abiding customers being inconvenienced, which is ridiculous.
\nOne time I was in the wrong line for my flight for two hours, once I realized, they couldn\u2019t check my bag at the counter anymore. They told me I could try to take it with me and if it fit through TSA they would gate check it. (I had already paid for it) you never know others\u2019 circumstances. Sprinted through the airport and made it!
\nWhy do you care about things that don't affect you?
\nIf you want to be indignant about something minor, party on, but leave your camera in your regulation size personal item. Let's set the threshold a bit higher for when we snap a photo of a stranger and post it on the Internet. Violent and/or abusive passenger, phones out--make 'em famous. My, that luggage is a tad big for an overhead bin, phones down.
\nExactly this! The audacity of people to snap photos of others in public who are largely minding their own business is insane. Disagree with him on his bag, that\u2019s fine, but posting a pic of a random stranger like this is extra.
\nWhy is it your business.. why is it going to matter so much that it will change the outcome of your life five years from now?
\nThis. Why does OP even care? It happens rarely, is likely for a legit reason and doesn\u2019t affect his life for more than a couple of minutes.
\nHilarious. At this point, they have ruined boarding so thoroughly because of paying to check bags. I\u2019m almost on his side.
\nI\u2019m definitely on his side. They charge outrageous fees and make boarding much more of a hassle than it needs to be.
\nEmotional support luggage
\nHe showed up late to his flight. Missed the cutoff of for bag check in. TSA won\u2019t stop them because it\u2019s not their job to enforce bag sizes.
\n\nMakes it to the gate and the GA will check it there because we know it won\u2019t fit. We\u2019re supposed to charge, but when we\u2019re supposed to be closing the boarding door in 5 mins it\u2019s not worth the hassle. Gate check and move on
\nWho cares
\nWhy do you care?
\nI travel a lot and this is common practice and it needs to stop . I carry on and 1 personal item. The carry on must be within the size limits.
\nOnce again the internet assumes the worst based on a single photo.
\nThis is rage bait. This is common practice for standby passengers\u2026not to mention they can process payments from the desk