reverting to their first language

I’ve been lurking for a while, this subreddit has been so helpful and relatable! I appreciate all of you for sharing your stories, and making me feel a little less alone in this.

I’m curious about your LOs who are bilingual — when did they start reverting to their native language? Was it sudden or gradual? Is it inevitable or just very common?

My mom is in early to moderate stages, and often times switches English words for Korean words. I don’t know if it’s because we’ve been watching a lot of Korean dramas, or if it’s a sign that she’s losing her English. She used to only switch words around me, but recently switched a few words around acquaintances.

I’ve been learning Korean on and off for about a year now, and I just want to make sure I’ve mastered it in time, so she can always have someone around that understands her.

Thanks for your input ☺️