Any not-too-horrible experiences with dementia parent?
So many heart-wrenching stories of parents with dementia and how taxing it is in the caregiver. I feel for everyone and wish you so much healing and peace. My mom is 93 with mixed AD/VD; diagnosed this year but suspect it’s been lingering for a few as she has severe cerebral small vessel disease. Anyway, def signs of decline but for now she lives mostly indie in a community with some assisted living services, is good at being funny/playful, and I wonder if it’s possible her disposition could stay this way. Bodily changes may take over. Any stories of a decline-to-passing that while heartbreaking and hard, is less maddening/awful? (Her VD is strange as she’s not a smoker, always had low BP, is lean, and takes no meds—only prescription eyedrops. So stroke risk isn’t high but fall risk is.)TY in advance. Really appreciate insight.