I just "attempted" suicide.

Sorry for the weird words/grammar. English is not my first language and I'm also a bit drunk.

20 minutes ago I took a very large dose of sedatives and sleeping pills with a good portion of alchocol. I thought I would finally end it, my suffering. But now I'm sitting here and I realize that I'm not going to die from this dose. My final note is lying under my pillow as I realise I won't need it. I feel nauseous, dizzy and my heart aches a bit but I'm not going to die. I'm gonna live. I don't know if that makes me feel better or sadder... I'm sorry. I think I'm gonna wake up tomorrow, even if I don't want to.

Upd: Everyone, thanks for the advices and good wishes. I am at home tight now, my head and stomach hurts, I didn't puked anything. I can't go to a hospital, emergency room etc. - my parents will be really angry and dissapointed in me. I think I will be fine. Thanks everyone again. I hope y'all get better.