partner is very unwell and waiting for therapy
Hello! Please remove if this post is not where it should be - I’m just kind of throwing this at the wall and hoping it sticks!
I’ve been with my partner for about four years. He’s the love of my life and all that good stuff and I’m (normally) incredibly happy in our relationship. We are LDR at the moment, but have frequent visits. My partner has had a rough go of it in life to say the absolute least; he’s lived through some real awful shit and recently, had a fairly traumatic instance that set him back years. That’s not a deterrent to me, and staying to hold his hand through it is absolutely my intention, but lately I’ve hit my limit.
He can be exhausting to talk to - every word out of his mouth is negative, everything is awful, there’s nothing worth living for, he’s just absolutely incapable of seeing even an iota of non-negativity. Not just unable to see positives - he can’t even see neutrality right now. He has been trying to get into therapy as he’s well aware he needs it. The problem lies in limbo - in America where he lives, actually just getting in to see a therapist with his basically nonexistent health insurance is bordering on impossible. He’s in a prolonged crisis and desperately wants help, but he just cannot get it. It’s not exactly a money thing, but he just can’t actually get in to see anyone.
I want to be clear I’m NOT asking for the intricacies of the American healthcare system to be explained to me, he needs his specific insurance for a specific unrelated issue.
My question here is while we’re in this limbo, what can I do? What can I say or suggest to him while we wait? I can only take so much overwhelming negativity all the time, and he wants help desperately. But I have no idea what to do while we try and actually get him into therapy, and could desperately use some advice. He works full time and never has the energy to engage in hobbies or socialising and being so far, there’s only so much I can do.
So yes - some advice on what to do while we wait would be awesome! Thanks so much!